You’ve probably seen eBay, and you’ve certainly noticed Google do this. Come a holiday, or a special event, they change their regular logo to a holiday themed logo that reflects the event. In fact, a lot of big and a bunch of small companies make this change, but should you?
Well if you’re open to completely biased advice from a logo design company, then the answer is:
Yes, you should definitely use a holiday themed logo.
There are two main reasons for this, but first three Christmas logo examples from the work we did this season.

Ok, so why should you get a logo specifically themed for Christmas, Valentines Day, Independence Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving Day or any other holiday or event? Well, two reasons:
1. To show you’re up to date, and
2. To connect with your audience
Show You’re Up To Date
It’s not just your website’s regular visitors that will notice and appreciate this logo change. On the contrary, it will be your
new visitors that really need to see a holiday themed logo up there at the top of your site.
A logo that reflects the holiday season, or a special day communicates unequivocally that someone is paying attention to the company, is making updates, and is keeping things current. As a result this inspires trust in the administrative department and your company in general.
We do this on a subconscious level. We see a themed logo, but what we really think, without realizing that we’re thinking about it, is that the company has someone making sure that it runs like a well-oiled machine. If the company has the time and pays enough attention to make sure that a Christmas logo is up around Christmas, you expect that this company will have the time and will spend the attention on you, and your order.
While a regular visitor to your website will appreciate a logo change, they will not make any inferences from it about your products or services. They have probably already tried your products and services and know what to expect. They will treat a logo change as something fun that your company sometimes does.
On the other hand, a brand new visitor will try to guess what your company is all about from the appearance of your website or social media alone. A new visitor will make inferences about how you operate, and how you’ll treat him if he buys your product or service. The visitor will think to himself: “If you pay attention to little things here, then you’ll pay attention to little things over there”.
Thus a holiday themed logo helps you win new clients.
Connect With Your Audience
A good business is ultimately build on a good relationship with its customers, and as the word implies, the customers need to
relate. Customers should be able to relate and identify themselves with your product, or your service, or your company image. If they can identify themselves with your competitor more than with you, then they will chose your competitor’s products and services over yours. It’s really that simple and you see this every day from the selection of Pepsi vs Coke, to Macs vs PCs, to American vs Asian cars. Ultimately this is a choice that is not very conscious and is based on a feeling combined with some backwards-rationalization.
You’re probably already doing some things that build a connection with your customers. Things like a newsletter or a well tailored social media presence, or a personalized experience through your sales funnel. Whatever it is, there’s always more you can be doing.
Changing to a holiday themed logo is just one of those things you can do to connect better with your target demographic. In addition to adding a bit of cheer to your identity, you’re revealing your company’s personality. You’re letting your company’s character shine through, and are showing the human side of it all. Essentially you’re telling your visitors that the people within your company have fun and celebrate the same things they do. Your visitors will appreciate your good natured changes and will form a stronger connection with your brand.
Infinet’s Regular Logo
Infinet’s Holiday Themed Logo
Planning Your Logo?
As you look for a logo designer, keep in mind that a designer needs to pair creativity with great technical expertise. For example:
- If the wrong design program is used, your logo will blur when resized.
- If unprintable colors are used, your logo will look wrong when printed.
- If final quality control is skipped, your logo will have costly mistakes.
Business owner trying to save a few bucks just end up paying twice to redo their logo and reprint their marketing material. Avoid surprises, by learning about impossible colors, vector graphics, and the importance of quality control. Learn more