Weekly Logo Roundup 33

Custom Logo Design, Logo Examples


What a lovely Saturday morning, folks! As is our habit, we at Little Guy Logos have selected our most fantastic logo designs from these past seven days. Now, we’re ready to show them to you here in our little corner of the Internet. Have a look-see and be inspired!

Blue Roman Media

Blue Roman Media is a marketing and promotion media company that offers video production, photography and web design services to small and mid-sized businesses. They shoot music videos, TV commercials, and even short films. They also offer high-quality custom designs for websites and print media.

Media Company Logo

This design for the Blue Roman Media logo features a camera lens in shades of blue and green. Beneath the image of a round lens is a block of text bearing the company name. media-company-logo

Pure Health and Wellness

Our client is a colon hydrotherapist who runs her own clinic in Ventura, California. Her website’s name is Pure Health and Wellness, which is the subject of the logo design.

Medical Company Logo

The logo features a soft pink peony flower living in a makeshift vase, which is a small mason jar filled with water. This particular design has no meaning to us, but it was specifically requested by our client. Though we don’t know the personal significance of the peony, we really liked this design and wanted to share it with you (though we liked the other two designs, those did not make it to our blog, but one of them is on our client’s site). medial-company-logo

I Went 2 Africa

I Went 2 Africa is a travel blog of an intrepid traveler’s personal stories about exploring the African continent, its geography and cultural diversity, and capturing images of its wildly fascinating flora and fauna.

Travel Blog Logo

The logo design for this travel blog shows the continent of Africa as a forest green shape beside the stylized text. A small plane is seen flying above and as it flies it covers the territory. This design is meant to represent a complete trip, with half of the African continent explored, and the other half yet to be discovered. travel-blog-logo

Travel Logo Design

This design for the Africa-centric travel blog shows the African continent in its entirety, with a dotted outline and a light green fill.  The green is for “go”, as in go an a trip, go exploring. Meanwhile the dotted line has a clear beginning and end. It represents a complete, all-encompassing exploration of this beautiful continent. travel-logo

Planning Your Logo?

As you look for a logo designer, keep in mind that a designer needs to pair creativity with great technical expertise. For example:

  • If the wrong design program is used, your logo will blur when resized.
  • If unprintable colors are used, your logo will look wrong when printed.
  • If final quality control is skipped, your logo will have costly mistakes.

Business owner trying to save a few bucks just end up paying twice to redo their logo and reprint their marketing material. Avoid surprises, by learning about impossible colors, vector graphics, and the importance of quality control. Learn more

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